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How to look your best for family pictures

So often we get frustrated with the days leading up to your family photo shoot. The question arises. "What do we wear?"

It doesn't have to be so difficult if you just follow some quick simple guidelines to help you choose your wardrobe.

Below you can read my top tips for looking your best as a family.


So while you want to look your best, you still have to consider what your background and location will be. So for example if you are doing a shoot at the beach then you may want something without shoes. Maybe pants you can roll up or a long flowy dress to give that dramatic effect in your images. If it's in the fall then consider the colour of the leaves and same goes for winter etc.


So for colours I suggest you look at your home. Will they go with your walls and decor? If your walls are white or grey than its possible that bright pinks won't really match. But keep in mind they do not need to be matchy matchy but just making sure they don't look crazy out of place. Have a colour palette ready for what you need. For example:


So now that you have your colour scheme, try to stick with around 4 colours. This is visually appealing when looking at your images. While black may be slimming it is not always the best option for these photos.

Start with mom and then figure out dad and kids. Obviously mom you don't want to have the same colour shirt as dad because you will be in the photos with each other at some point :)

Start mixing and matching and have some fun with it always looking at your colour palette in between.


Do not be afraid to accessorize. Wear that necklace or bracelet you've always wanted to wear or that hat. But keep in mind that hats do add shadows to your face so you may need to take it off for some portrait shots .


So try to have a couple prints in there and then some solids. This makes it more visually interesting to look it but it definitely not a must. Try to avoid loud prints however as that can be very distracting as well as logos.


My final tip is to pick things that you will feel the most comfortable in. We are not trying to get perfection but simply show your true connection as a family but a little more dressed up than usual. Also remember to have shoes that you can walk in with ease. You already know what makes you feel comfortable to just take those tips above and just apply them when picking out your outfit. Have fun with it guys!!!


It is a great day for mom to get pampered. Go to the salon and get your hair and maybe even your make up done. You will feel amazing that you took that time out for yourself and for these amazing pictures.

Leave a comment below or ask a question if you like. I hope you found these tips useful! :)

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